Surfworldcup Neusiedler See
Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. This time I was not so lucky with my heats – altough my performance was quite good I think. I lost very close against my Austrian Friend Chris Sammer (Sammersurftour) in the Single, and had to let Julien Mas pass in the Double (ended up 17th). BUT in the Supersession I was ripping and altough the condition were super hard (45 knots, mega chop, backwash from the wall) I could land some kabikuchis, mega culos,…and had just a great time on the water – beside that the Launch Event of the JBL Endurance took part at Neusiedl aswell. And I can tell you: This headphone rocks! I used it already in Brazil and now all the time on the water and I simply love Windsurfing with music with the gadget – but soon more with this. I got some good Coverage aswell in Neusiedl: