Boot Video Award 2016
Some good news again! I took part in the Boot Video Award 2016 – and my Video Seen – Episode One got nominated for the top 5 Videos a few weeks ago. Yesterday there was the prizegiving at the annual Boot Düsseldorf. My Video ended up in second position for the best Windsurfing Video!!! It makes me supery happy to see that the people like the „Seen“ Project a lot. I really wanna thank one of my best friends Chris Czadilek from CC-Films, who invested so much time and effort in this videoproject. And I ve also some more really good news – in just a few days I start my journey to Capetown, which means hopefully beside some epic traveling experience and some great Windsurfing also a new Episode of Seen! Beside that it looks like there is something coming up from JBL quite soon as well – be prepared!